Dr. Dove Dental Office in Barrie

Sedation Dentistry in Barrie

Dental Services in Barrie

Sedation Dentistry

Dental anxiety is a common experience among patients. At Dr. Dove Dental Office, we are dedicated to ensuring your comfort in all capacities. That’s why we offer multiple forms of sedation so you can feel calm, comfortable, and relaxed during your appointment.

General Anesthesia in Dentistry

Thanks to technological advances, dentists can make dentistry a more pleasant experience. If you have dental anxiety or need work, you may be a candidate for general anesthesia (GA) dentistry in our office.

IV Sedation Dentistry

IV sedation is typically used for intensive procedures or for patients with severe dental anxiety. Your dentist will insert a small needle in your arm, delivering the sedative directly to your bloodstream and making you sleepy and unaware of your surroundings. Following the procedure, you will need a family member or friend to pick you up.

Oral Sedation

You will remain awake after taking oral sedation, though the sedative may make you sleepy. You will need to arrive about an hour before your appointment so that the sedative has time to set in. Following your appointment, you will need a family member or friend to pick you up.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry 

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a common solution for dental anxiety. It takes effect and leaves the body quickly. You will remain conscious during your appointment, but will feel relaxed and comfortable throughout. Nitrous oxide is delivered through a mask, making it a popular choice for pediatric dentistry.

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