Dr. Dove Dental Office in Barrie

Inlays and Onlays in Barrie

Inlays and Onlays

When decay is found on or between the cusps of a tooth, dental inlays and onlays are a potential restorative solution. Inlays and onlays are designed to replicate the grooves and ridges of the tooth’s chewing surface, restoring the functionality and health of the tooth.

The Difference Between Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are similar restorative solutions, but they differ slightly in their usage. If decay is affecting the area between the cusps, an inlay will be used to fill it. Meanwhile, decay on the cusp itself can be restored with an onlay.

Should I Get an Inlay or Onlay?

Your dentist will recommend a restorative treatment based on the location and significance of the decay. For minor decay on or in the cusps of the tooth, inlays and onlays are suitable. But for more severe decay or decay on other parts of the tooth, alternative solutions like crowns or composite fillings may be recommended.

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