Dr. Dove Dental Office in Barrie

Prosthodontics in Barrie


Prosthodontics is a branch of dentistry concerned with tooth restoration. When your teeth are missing or damaged, it can affect your self-esteem, as well as the functionality and health of your smile. Prosthodontic treatments are designed to allay these problems and give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

What Does a Prosthodontist Do?

Prosthodontists handle various restorative procedures. These include dental implants, dentures, crowns, and dental bridges. Whether you’re missing one tooth or many, a prosthodontist will be able to restore your smile’s aesthetics and functions to their full capacity.

When to Visit a Prosthodontist

If you have missing or seriously damaged teeth, your dentist may refer you to a prosthodontist. Gaps, misalignment, and damage can cause exponential harm to your overall oral health, so it’s important to solve these problems before they worsen.

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