Dr. Dove Dental Office in Barrie

Oral Pathology in Barrie

Oral Pathology

Oral pathologists are focused specifically on the identification and diagnosis of oral diseases. An oral pathologist will examine abnormalities such as lumps, swelling, and ulcers to diagnose the disease and determine the causes and risks associated with it.

Identifying Oral Abnormalities

If your dentist notices abnormalities during a routine check-up, such as lumps, swelling, or discolouration, they will refer you to an oral pathologist. The oral pathologist will then work with you to determine the cause of the abnormality.

Diagnosing Oral Diseases

Oral pathology is dependent on a number of diagnostic tools such as radiographs and X-rays. Oral pathologists may also work together with other dental specialists to determine an exact diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been made, a treatment plan will be created.

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