Dr. Dove Dental Office in Barrie

Veneers in Barrie


If your self-confidence is affected by aesthetic issues in your smile, veneers are a potential solution. A dental veneer is a shell that is bonded permanently to the tooth, covering discolouration or damage and improving your smile’s aesthetics.

Veneer Materials

Veneers can be made from porcelain or composite materials. Each comes with its own benefits and downsides. Porcelain is more durable but costlier, while composite veneers are less expensive, but have less durability. Our dental team will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision about your veneers.

The Veneer Process

Creating and affixing a veneer to the teeth will require multiple appointments. In the first appointment, your dentist will create an impression of the tooth and remove some of the tooth enamel on the front of the tooth. This ensures the veneers will sit flat against the tooth. You’ll receive a temporary veneer to protect the tooth, and when the proper veneer is ready, it will be fitted and affixed to the tooth.

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